DIY Peel Off Mask Using Gelatin and milk
Have you ever tried a peel off mask? Do you know the benefits of a home made peel off mask? Here is how you can make your own peel off mask at home using simple ingredients readily available in your kitchen.
This wonderful mask helps to remove black heads, white heads and also unwanted small facial hair. We need unflavored gelatin or agar agar and milk. • Take 2 spoons of gelatin in a microwable bowl.
• Mix it with small amount of milk and make a thick paste
• Now microwave it for 10 seconds(you can also use hot milk if you don’t have microwave)
Now apply it on your face before it completely cools down. Because if it completely cools down it will starts solidify. Apply a thick layer so that you can easily peel it off. Avoid the area around your eyes and eyebrows. Lets sit this pack for 20 minutes or until it completely dries. Once its dired peel off the mask upward. Be careful while peeling off. Benefits Gelatin contains a lot of protein and helps for skin rejuvenation. Helps to remove black and white heads and to remove unwanted facial hair. Please note that this will remove small hair and not useful for large hairs. Guys try this and see how it works.